Using No Toolbox and Only Explorer and Local Scripting a Brick!

I wanted to make a moving brick. I tried using a build set from the toolbox But the toolbox contains many free models that can cause infections. I was working on a project. The project was an obstacle course, I made a save spawner first at keeping it in my explorer menu in my studio. One of the obstacles were gonna be moving blocks. The goal was to make the player jump on the moving objects as fast you can. 2 bricks will be moving opposite directions. One brick will be moving forward and the other one backward. To do it, I would have to put an animation onto it. The animation helps the brick move. I would put a speed on it and transfer a humanoid so that doesn’t bug. I used a regenerate tool and a barrier. So whenever the moving object moves in the wrong direction. It will be respawned and will still work! This box that I made randomly below can explain better.

01 --this script would be inside the part. This means that the brick will function whatever script it has inside.
02 local brick=script.Parent --creating a new variable named brick, referencing our part. "script" is a built in object that references the actual script.
03 while wait(1do --wait a second before running the code again, this script is so it can stop and then go. Basically like a red light turning green.
04 for I=1,10 do --begin a "for" loop, we are going to move the part up very little by little to make it seem like it is sliding.
05,0.1,0--add 0.1 on the Y scale (Vertical) to increase the brick's position. This is so it can go up. If you want, you can change (Vertical) to forward.
06 wait() --wait a fraction of a millisecond, or else it doesn't appear as a sliding brick.
07 end --end the "for" loop
08 wait(1--pause a second
09 for I=1,10 do --This section is pretty much just a repeat.
10,-0.1,0--subtract 0.1 on the Y scale (Vertical) to decrease the brick's position
11 wait() --In this part, you can put any number on how long you want it to wait.
12 end --The end script is so it can regenarate back.
13 end --end the loop and restart again.

Hiding Usernames

A basic script format that only takes lines. The script will remove an overhead username in games that have overhead names. This script can be used for FPS, RPG (not the weapon), and town and city games. This is one of the most used scripts for lots of games.


1 game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) --When a player connects it will recieve it's data.
2 player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") --The Players character
3 player.Character.Head.Transparency = 1 --Transparency means invisible
4 end) --The loop

Making a Curtain for a Theater Build.

The curtain is one of the most difficult builds. People in ROBLOX do videos for roleplay. One of the sets they use is a stage. Some people like to be fancy and use curtains. But making a curtain isn’t as easy as you think. The free models in the toolbox can give you a studio virus. Many people do not want a studio virus. Also, people don’t get the correct size of the curtain. That’s why you should make it yourself. The steps below can explain. But, this is an LUA script, it may be hard. But when you use a transparency with 1 curtain. Use a workplace to keep everything stored and export it to files so whenever you get an infection/studio virus, you can just put it in a new game or workplace.
01 functionmoveCurtains(curtain1, curtain2, v, n, t) --This helps the curtains move at the same time
02     for=1, n do -- How fast it will close
03         curtain1.CFrame =curtain1.CFrame + v --The top of the curtains.
04         curtain2.CFrame =curtain2.CFrame - v --The bottom of the curtains.
05         wait()
06     end
07 end
08 --Just an empty to keep neat.
09 --Open curtains
10 moveCurtains(
11 workspace.CurtainOne, workspace.CurtainTwo,
12, 1000.03-- 0.1 * 100 = 10 studs
13 )
14 --Line Skipper
15 --Close curtains
16 moveCurtains(
17 workspace.CurtainOne, workspace.CurtainTwo,
18, 1000.03-- 0.1 * 100 = 10 studs
19  )  --You must click to open the curtain. Or type a certain word in the chat.